Algozenith Initated '24: Inaguration Ceremony

Algozenith Initated '24: Inaguration Ceremony

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What is AlgoZenith?

AlgoZenith is an attempt to revolutionize how competitive programming is learned at school and college levels in India and beyond. It is founded by Alumni of IIT Kharagpur, Mr. Vivek Gupta, Nitish Rai, Subham Patil, and Rohan Ishwakar.

AlgoZenith VIIT Core Team

Co Lead, DSA Lead: Gautam Ankoji
Competitive Programming Lead: KUSUMA NAMMI
Graphic Designing Lead/Content Manager: HARIKA VAVILAPALLI
Social Media Management Lead: MANASA KOTANA
Event Management Lead/Public Relations Lead: A SAI PRAHARSHA
Event Management Lead: HARSHITHA PYDISETTY

Quizz Winners

First Place

First Place

Second Place

Second Place

Third Place

Third Place

Rapid Fire Round First Place

Rapid Fire Round First Place

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